Ormin K Plus Potassium Humate

$ 0,00

Our products can be used in agricultural products, garden plants, fruit trees, ornamental plants, seeds and grains, as well as application from foliar and soil. %100 Water Soluable.

Ormin K Plus Humate is a dense high biostimulant consists of humic and fulvic acids. The humic and fulvic acids of this preparation stimulate the growth of plants and act as regulators of the soil, particularyl in sandy and non porous (clay) soils. In these types of soils, Ormin K Plus improves the water capacity, the aeration and activation of micro-organisms at the region of the root system. More over, it activates root system growth, increases absorption of nutritive elements. Furthermore, it acts in synegy with other fertilizers, thus intensifies its activity.


What is the benefits – Ormin K Plus

  • High‐throughput technologies allow researchers to determine simultaneously a large number of metabolites, transcript levels and enzyme activities in response to K supply.
  • K deficiency leads to build‐up of sugars, down‐regulation of nitrate uptake and synthesis of nitrogen‐rich amino acids.
  • Roots are endowed with high‐ and low‐affinity K uptake systems that ensure K nutrition in a wide range of external concentrations.
  • Transporters mediate high‐affinity K uptake and akt1 channels mediate low‐affinity K uptake.
  • Under certain conditions akt1 channels can also mediate K uptake from very low concentrations.
  • Additional unidentified systems may also promote root K uptake.
  • Stimulates plant enzymes and increase their production.
  • Acts as an organic catalyst in many biological processes.
  • Stimulates growth and proliferation of desirable micro-organisms in soil
  • Enhances plant’s natural resistance against diseases and pests.
  • Stimulates root growth, especially vertically and enable better uptake of nutrients.
  • Increases root respiration and root formation.
  • Promotes the development of chlorophyll, sugars and amino acids in plants and aid in photosynthesis.
  • Increases vitamin and mineral content of plants.
  • Thickens the cell walls in fruits and prolongs storage time.
  • Increases germination and viability of seeds.
  • Stimulates plant growth (higher biomass production) by accelerating cell division, increasing the rate of development in root systems and increasing the yield of dry matter.
  • Increases the quality of yields; improves their physical appearance and nutritional value.
  • Improves and optimizes the uptake of nutrients and water by plants.ecocert

How is using,

The product, in accordance with the intended use and location, must be in contact with the ground in granular form and mixed with the soil. It can also be applied to the root region of the plant by dissolving it in water or it can be applied by spraying.

. During the soil preparation process; The soil prepared for sowing is seeded with a seeder or hand, and then lightly mixed with the product.

. In the tree of the trees; It is used with strip or tape application. It is applied to the soil in the form of a circle or strip to the projections of the plant and is mixed with the soil by light processing.

In the field and outdoor vegetable growing; It is again applied to the root regions of the plants in the form of bands or strips and mixed with the soil.

Ormin K Plus Humate is a dense high biostimulant consists of humic and fulvic acids. The humic and fulvic acids of this preparation stimulate the growth of plants and act as regulators of the soil, particularyl in sandy and non porous (clay) soils. In these types of soils, Ormin K Plus improves the water capacity, the aeration and activation of micro-organisms at the region of the root system. More over, it activates root system growth, increases absorption of nutritive elements. Furthermore, it acts in synegy with other fertilizers, thus intensifies its activity.

Guaranteed Content

pH 9,6
Total Organic Matter 43,4
Total Humic+Fulvic Acid 47,3
Organic Carbon 28,9
Organic Nitrogen - 1,3
Total Water Soluble (K2O) - 11,7
Organic Carbon 28,9%
Organic Nitrogen 1,3%
CEC 6614,13%
Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3) 0,10%
Ammonium Nitrogen (NH4) 0,19%

Minimum order: 1000 Kgs

No Pallets
20 ‘Container = 1000 Pieces 10 Kg Bucket
20′ Container = 12.000 Pieces 1 Kg Bag
40’ Container = 22 Pieces 1000 Kg Big Bag
Max Uploads: 25.000 Kgs

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In all crops 2-3 Applications

Soil Preparation, Fertilization

300-400 gr/Da/100 lt Water, from the soil to the root zone, 25-40 gr from the leaves
Vegetables in green houses (tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, zucchini) Soil As of planting until 3 to 4 weeks before harvesting depending of crop:leafy or fruit bearing crops 200-250 gr/Da/100 lt Water, from the soil to the root zone, 25-30 gr from the leaves
Horticultural trees (kiwi, citrus groves, banana, wine grapes stone fruit) 3 times from early vegetative growth and until start of fruit development 40-50 g(per tree)

20-30 g to 100 l of water

Open field vegetables From vegetative growth till tuber initiation and until 10 days before end of tuber enlargement 250-250 g/Da/100 lt water to the root zone
Cereals (wheat, rye, barley, oat, maize, rice, etc.), potatoes, beans, peanuts From enough foliar coverage 3 applications during growth stages 250-300 gr/Da (to the seed bed or root area)
Ornamental plants and forest nursery landscaping, turf grass (in general) As of start of fertigation / early stage of bud opening until end of flowering period 250-300 gr/Da (to the seed bed or root area)

Additional information

Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 20 × 18 × 25 cm


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