Black Diamond Zinco

Although the zinc deficiency of the plants is very low, zinc deficiencies are frequently encountered in such cases. It is known that zinc has a role in the transport of carbohydrates and the use of sugar, and acts as an enzyme in nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism.

Zinc deficiency manifests itself in young leaves or leaves in the middle of the shoots. In its deficiency, the leaves remain green, while the yellow spots between the leaves are eye-catching. It causes curling and rosette formation in some plants. The efficiency drops considerably.


In its deficiency, the fluid intake slows down in the plant, and the gap between the knuckles is shortened due to the shortage of auxin. The plant is stunted and whipping and rosetting are seen on the top shoots of some plants, capillary roots are collected at the root tip.

Functions of Zinc in the Plant: It is necessary for the formation of chlorophyll. It is involved in the transport of carbohydrates and the transport of sugar. It is necessary for hormonal activities and is the structural element of auxin. It has an effect on taking water into the plant.

Zinc Deficiency Symptoms: Yellow spots occur on the leaves in the middle or at the end of the shoot and in advanced cases these spots dry. Narrowing of the knuckles and stunting of the plant are observed. Decrease in leaf length and deformity and the formation of boat leaves in some plants. Whipping and rosette formation occurs on the shoots of fruit trees. Small swellings in the roots and capillary roots gather at the root tip.

Conditions Reducing Zinc Intake: High pH and high calcareous soils. Soils that are poorly ventilated due to excessive irrigation and compaction. Soils containing large amounts of phosphorus, calcium, manganese and copper. Cold and wet weather conditions. Soils with low zinc content.

VEGETABLE (GREENHOUSE) 100 – 150 cc/100lt 0,5-1 lt / da drip 3-4 applications from planting
VEGETABLE (UNDER COVER) 100 – 150 cc/100lt 0,5-1 lt / da drip 3-4 applications from planting
FRUIT TREES 100 – 150 cc/100lt 1 lt / da drip Eyes waking up period in spring and after 2 – 3 applications
CEREALS 150 cc/100lt 1 lt / da sprinkler Before Tillering

Guaranteed Content

Water Soluble Zinc 6%

Minimum order: 1000 Lt

No Pallets
20 ‘Container = 1000 Pieces 20 Lt Drums
20 ‘Container = 2000 Pieces 5 Lt Drums
20 ‘Container = 12.000 Pieces 1 Lt Drums
40’ Container = 22 Pieces 1000 Lt IBC Tanks
Max Uploads: 25.000 Kg

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