Black Diamond Amino

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Every plant, like any organism, needs certain elements for growth; the basic compounds of living cells are proteins which block building materials are amino acids.  Proteins are formed by sequences of these amino acids, meaning they carry out many important bodily functions such as giving cells their structure.


This product group has been formulated with biostimultants and amino acids. The presence of these molecules impreves crop yield and quality, as they stimulate the plant growth and breathing of the roots and soil organic matter evolution, resulting in trun in the decrease of virulence of fungal diseases. Biostimultants play a key role in the formation of growth hormones, especially under stress conditions that may severely affect the development of the plants. The application of amino acids reduces the time during which the plant suffers from stress, there by minimizing the negative effects there of. They regulate the sugar uptake of the plant, its ripening and intensifies fruit colour. They favour the nutrition processes of the crop as they reduce the time necessary for protein formation. Besides, they also are essential for healing wounds and repairing tissues.

Every plant like any organism needs certain components for growth over and above soil, sun, rain and air. The basic component of living cells is Proteins, with building block material, Amino Acids. Proteins are formed by sequence of Amino Acids.
Plants synthesize Amino Acids from the Primary elements, the Carbon and Oxygen obtained from air, Hydrogen from water in the soil, forming Carbon Hydrate by means of photosynthesis and combining it with the Nitrogen which the plants obtain from the soil, leading to synthesis of amino acids, by collateral metabolic pathways. Only L-Amino Acids are part of these Proteins and have metabolic activity.
The requirement of amino acids in essential quantities is well known as a means to increase yield and overall quality of crops.
The application of amino acids for foliar use is based on its requirement by plants in general and at critical stages of growth in particular. Plants absorb Amino Acids through Stomas and are proportionate to environment temperature.
Amino Acids are fundamental ingredients in the process of Protein Synthesis. About 20 important Amino Acids are involved in the process of each function. Studies have proved that Amino Acids can directly or indirectly influence the physiological activities of the plant.
Amino Acids are also supplied to plant by incorporating them into the soil. It helps in improving the microflora of the soil thereby facilitating the assimilation of nutrients.
Foliar Nutrition in the form of Protein Hydrolysate (Known as Amino Acids Liquid) and foliar spray provide readymade building blocks for Protein synthesis.


Guaranteed Content

pH - 8-10
Total Organic Material- 20
Organic Carbon - 11
Total Organic Nitrogen (N) - 0,7
Water Soluable Potassium Oxide - 5
Total Free Amino Acids - 4

Minimum order: 1000 Lt

No Pallets
20 ‘Container = 1000 Pieces 20 Lt Drums
20 ‘Container = 2000 Pieces 5 Lt Drums
20 ‘Container = 12.000 Pieces 1 Lt Drums
40’ Container = 22 Pieces 1000 Lt IBC Tanks
Max Uploads: 25.000 Kg

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How is using

Product is be liquid and consantre a form. Use can mix with water for spray type is shoot on plants or use can by irrigation system on soil.

How much and when use ,

In All Crops 25-30 L/ha divided into 2-3 doses (5-10 L/ha)
Vegetables in green houses (tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, zucchini) 35-45 L/ha divided into 2-3 doses (5-10 L/ha)
Horticultural trees (kiwi, citrus groves, banana, wine grapes stone fruit) 35-45 L/ha divided into 2-3 doses (5-10 L/ha)
Open field vegetables 25-30 L/ha divided into 2-3 doses s (5-10 L/ha)
Cereals (wheat, rye, barley, oat, maize, rice, etc.), potatoes, beans, peanuts 25-30 L/ha divided into 2-3 doses (5-10 L/ha)
Ornamental plants and forest nursery landscaping, turf grass (in general) 35-45 L/ha divided into 2-3 doses (5-10 L/ha) or 5 L/m during the preparation of substrates
Foliar application 0.700-1.5 L/1000 L water every two weeks
Seed treatment 5 L/100 Kg seeds

Additional information

Weight 20 kg
Dimensions 30 × 28 × 35 cm


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